Friday 17 February 2012

Japan, Kings of the World.

English society is closed minded. You wonder, how can I make that statement without proof. Here's the proof, Kit-Kats. England have 3 flavours, Japan however...117. There are only so many flavours you can have, are the more interesting varieties; By interesting, I mean terrifying: Vegetable, Yoghurt, Blueberry Cheesecake, Custard, Potato, Ginger, Soy Sauce, Fudge, Lemon, Bubblegum, Cucumber, Green tea, Pineapple, Pumpkin, Rose, Chesnut, Watermelon, Wine and Grilled Corn. All hail Japan, the front runners in new innovations, some...more useful than others. I don't think i'm in a hurry for Corn KitKats, but it's progress; I think.

R.I.P Pixar

Pixar started life with a humble $5,000,000 in 1986 under Steve Jobs, in un-gamourous territory... Making adverts for the likes of Tropicana. Until Disney saw something in the company and offered $26,000,000 for them to make three computer generated feature films and split profit with Disney, which later became the much loved Toy Story, Bugs Life and Monsters Inc. These were the first computer generated films, and paved the way to films like "Mars Mom"... Pixar's golden path, leads straight to a slaughter house for half baked ideas and money making schemes. Why am I telling you Pixar's humble beginnings, I hear you mumble in un-enthused monotone; Because, this is the story of how the fat cats ruined something beautiful. Pixar created the first perfect saga, the first 5* set of films. Godfather, let down by the third. Alien, tarnished by the sequels. Planet of the Apes, ruined by the conquest. Potter, beginning its life with two "good" later make fantastic films.Toy Story retains its charm over ten years, over three instalments. All of which are made with love, imagination and passion. Disney always had involvement with Pixar, from out set; But in 2006 Disney bought Pixar and made their first real creative contribution with making Cars 2. As a lover of the first,  a story of simple, honest life..I ventured to the cinema with the child like glee all the others had instilled in me, and a backpack filled with sweets on an industrial scale. When watching the un-funny joke, the linear storyline and James Bond sub-plot with dialogue more fitting to an awkward KFC advert.. I realised something, I was watching a kids films, not Pixar's usual films suited to any age group. Disney turned films great for kids into films only befitting to that group, and with it...An era ended. Pixar no longer exists, in its wake is something very different. Disney-Pixar, an insult to the late Steve Jobs' creation.

What did George Lucas do for you?

As I watched Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 3D, in an attempt to draw myself away from the un-relenting boredom... I found myself thinking; George Lucas can't be an idiot, as much as his story writing attempts prove otherwise. I would say rich people aren't stupid, or they wouldn't be rich...but just a glimpse into modern media shows that to be on the contrary. Upon turning down warner brothers' offered directing payment for the rights to merchandise, a insight into his intentions became clear. Star Wars wasn't just a set of 6 films, but a brand...the first of it's kind. The merchandise far exceeded the films box office, with the help of myself; Opting for Star Wars branded items to the nth degree, to the point where even shampoo had to be branded. But the fact these things existed, his hyper-merchandisable products existence paved the way for future films to become a brand. So, why would a man with great business sense become a writer if his writing was so poor? Simple, it doesn’t need to be…all he needs to do is set up a basis for characters and they write their own stores, possibly more coherent ones at that. Give a character a funny name and a lightsaber and it sells, then rinse, repeat until a universe filled with two-dimensional characters…metaphorically anyway, as the film is in garish three dimensions. You could be forgiven for expecting a pun, or comment on that fact… Frankly, I can’t think of one. Lucas has squeezed every penny out of a once loved story, un-ashamedly pushing it back into the box office. Did he feel it benefited from a third dimension, in fact does 3D give a third dimension? 2D films still have depth, but the front of shot remains in screen. Three dimensional films claim to add depth, but actually remove it; They have two depths, front and back…images with come out of the screen and those that don’t, with no space in-between. Thus removing depth. So, why George? With a new film comes new publicity, new toys and the box office revenue itself. So, is it a bad thing? No, greed is what the world goes round with…my 10 year old self ran to my friends house with a rucksack bigger than me filled with star wars toys, was happier than could be. Thank you George, for being a detestable money grabber.